Now then, as you all already know, I'm sick this week. So I've been quite bored, sitting at home, without anyone to talk to. It has been a good chance to catch up on some of my reviewing for a few HPFF stories that I read.
I've also had a few enlightenments (I guess you could call it that) this week. You know, sudden things that have kinda just HIT me and I'm like....wow. I never thought of it that way. (I know I sound crazy, just listen.)
First off, as far as Hunger Games goes....
I have just gotten to the part of Catching Fire where they arrived at District 11, then everyone makes the gesture for Katniss and the whole thing with Rue and everything....the last part I read was the old man getting shot and killed in front of everyone because he sung Rue's Mockingjay song in honor of her memory. Believe it or not, not even in Hunger Games, it hadn't really hit me how evil and awful the Capitol was. Not even the fact that they make KIDS fight to the DEATH had it really hit me....until this exact moment. That they would kill an old man, for remembering a TWELVE YEAR OLD GIRL and honoring her memory because she's dead. BECAUSE OF those freaks in the Capitol. I keep thinking about this...and it's giving me chills and making me feel all weird. It's remarkable how a story can have such an effect on you. This is how I know these books are amazing.
okay then. so. I've had another enlightenment also. Now this one has to do with Harry Potter. and it's really sad that its taken me like five years to go oh wow.....that really hit me. So you guys can shoot me if you want, I've already kinda smacked my self for this. so allow me to explain a bit.
As we all know, two of the people who I talk to the most on skype (Alyssa and Sam, that would be you.) are absolutly IN LOVE with Marauders era. Now before meeting you guys, I hadn't even really looked at the Marauders era very much, being more of a Next Generation girl when it came to fanfiction and such, and then for some stranger reason, never really paying attention to the Marauders in the actual series....PoA used to be my least favorite book. But because of Alyssa and Sam and even others who love the Marauders (I mean we all love them, just some love them MORE than others XD) I've been in a full Marauders era mode for the past month. Not really reading any fanfictions that didn't have to do with them, not really doing ANYTHING Harry Potter that didn't have to do with them (I've had Marauders Map by MoM playing constantly on my iPod all week, along with the other Marauders songs I have) Yet, it all was still fandom things. There was still that "never paying attention to the Marauders in the ACTUAL books" thing that I had going on. My copy of PoA had been missing for years, since I had actually read it, so I recently got a new copy but still had hardly touched it. So I went back and reread the last few chapters of PoA. And thats when something in my head went....BAM. Hit. Impact. I'm talking about the death of Lily and James, and the effect it was on Remus and Sirius. I know, I know, you're like WTF Katie how has this not hit you before?! They lost a friend who was like a BROTHER to them, especially for Sirius, I mean he lived with the guy for years! Well, I guess it takes going back to JK Rowlings amazing writing to really hit me and make me realize....I really felt for them....and I cried. Then I read those last chapters AGAIN...and cried some more. You know, those chapters don't even elaborate that much on the impact their death had on the characters, more of OHMYGOSH PETER YOU WERE OUR FRIEND WHY THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT?! Betrayal kind of thing. But the whole time I was just picturing what Sirius was thinking......ya know? Well you probably don't. Because I don't even know. *sigh* Well, that was my second 'enlightenment' that was just a bit silly, to be honest.
This one is even SILLIER. and you are all gonna be like WHAT THE HELL KATIE!? But I'm going to tell you anyways. Along with PoA, OotP was always one of my lesser favorites of the series. And, like I have told you guys many times, OotP and HBP were ruined for me when some dumbass kid decided to shout SIRIUS DIES AT THE END OF OOTP AND DUMBLEDORE DIES AT THE END OF HBP in the middle of my class in 4th grade. I hate that kid with a burning passion. Anyways, because of this, I suppose you could say I rushed through OotP a bit. The whole time my mind is going "Sirius is going to die? What? Haha..what? *turns page* Where?!" So I rushed through the whole story, and Sirius death wasn't even a big impact on me. Again, never really paid attention to the Marauders characters, so I don't remember ever even noticing Sirius very much as a 4th grader....what was wrong with me? Then, after I read it once, I haven't read OotP again since then. So, along with reading the last bits of PoA the other day, I also reread the end of OotP. And cried. A lot. And then I went and watched the end of OotP. And cried more. That line...that line that always hits me...when Sirius and Harry are dueling, and Sirius goes "Nice one, James." ......I'm tearing up just thinking about it.
So, I was enlightened more on the deaths of two characters who I never really cared about before I met you guys and got deep into fandom. And hey, now they are two of my favorite characters! And everything is all good now. XD
Skype Memorable Moments
Well, since Kate has her own segments like "Kate's song of the week" I figured I would make my OWN segment. So, from now on every week, I'm going to post that weeks most memorable moments on skype. Wheather it was an epic, hilarious moment or a fight or a sob-fest, I'll post it on here so that those of you who haven't been on skype can keep up on our crazy skype antics. XD
So this week....
One) Here's an exact quote of this rediculous conversation. I leave the computer for 2 seconds, and come back to this.....
(They were talking about hand sanitizer...)
Mama Grace Lavender Fors: It smells like flowers.
Mama Grace Lavender Fors: I bet it doesn't taste like flowers.
Victoria Tonks Wiebe: Mine smells like HOSPITALS.
Mama Grace Lavender Fors: I ate a flower in kindergarden.
Mama Grace Lavender Fors: A buttercup.
Mama Grace Lavender Fors: It didn't taste like butter.
Alyssa Sirius Healey: I used to eat grass. xD
Victoria Tonks Wiebe: When I was 3, I stuffed half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich up my nose.
haha...wtf? O.o Poor Victoria had to go to the hospital for that! (I really love you guys. XD)
Two) We all must now convert to the religion Samianity. Where we originated in Samland, and we will all worship THE SAM, and we will be called Samians. (Katie is the Jesus of Samianity. GOING TO SPREAD THE WORD OF SAMIANITY, BRB)
Three) Rubert has DEFYED MAMA and said fowl things to her! He needs a major time out soon.
Four) Grace is obsessed with the clapping face on skype. IT STARES INTO YOUR SOUL!!! (Be careful, she may attack you with that face at any time.)
Six) Alyssa has given us a quote from the always epic and always awesome Alex Carpenter. This pretty much made everyones life.
Seven) We have discovered the secrets of the infamous Skype Cat! All you have to do is press "C A T" at the same time and hold it down until he shows up! The most cats we've had at once is SIX. we should plan a day for everyone to get on, and have a million cats. XD
and finally...
Eight) Katie is still using the wrong forms of the word 'your' -.-
That concludes my first Skype Memorable Moments! XD I'll have more next week!
Alright, well I'm going to go make a vlog now, featuring my fantastic birthday presents I have recieved from you guys. (: (I lied, I didn't make a vlog. D: But Alyssa filled in for me! AND ITS SO AMAZING! GO WATCH! www.youtube.com/muggleteen )
P.S. Annie, I believe my blog this week is even LONGER than yours and filled with more content. And you said vlogging is lowering our content of blogs. NOT FOR ME! AHAHAHA IN YOUR FACE! .....I love you! (:
okay katie your posts arnt shorter but alyssas and megans are shorter then they used to ~annie
That part of Catching Fire was SO FREAKING SAD. Oh my godric. And you are so right about the Capitol! The Capitol is so horrible in every way. I love how the Hunger Games make you think a lot about the intolerance of society today and its consequences.
I honestly never knew you didn't like the Mauraders before! That's carazzayy! But I'm glad you do now. :) You are so right about the impacts of the deaths and Wormtail's actions... so sad. By the way- does this mean you've only read OotP the whole way through ONCE?!?! If so, go read it again, cover to cover. Right. Now.
Once I can go on Skype more often (aka when college apps are done), then I will make one of your Skype quotes! I WILL!
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